On The Spotlight: Isabel Surmova
We are officially on the last quarter of 2022 and let's be real... this has been a long year! We've had our ups & downs, our good days and bad ones, but most of all we've continued to grow and learn.
Beauty Lovers, you know we're all about glowing skin, gorgeous makeup and uncomplicated beauty, but our main thing will always be our inner-glow, which is why we wanted to make this month's theme all about our mental health. The truth is that when we are feeling good on the inside it shows on the outside and people can really tell and vibe-off that energy! So this time around we caught up with the lovely Isabel Surmova @champagne.skin and she let us in on some of the more intimate and emotional parts of her life; how she keeps track of her mental health, the qualities she finds most beautiful in herself and other, and the way being a beauty creator has impacted her life in a positive way. So keep reading to find out all about her interview...
Isabel wears Santorini as blush
K&S: Hi Isabel! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us, can you give us an intro into who you are?
Isabel: Hi I am Isabel! I am a beauty content creator on Instagram! Aside from creating content, I am a full-time accounting student living in Montana with my husband. We spend our summers outside hiking in the mountains, camping, huckleberry picking, and swimming in lakes.

K&S: Swimming in lakes? That sounds like a dream!... Isabel as you may know for us here at Kiss & Smink staying healthy on the inside is as important as looking good on the outside, so we'd like to know how you keep your mental health and overall wellness in check? Do you have any tips for our readers?
Isabel: Something I do to keep my mental health in check is to make sure I take some time for myself each day; either by doing an extra long skincare routine, playing with makeup, reading a book or just taking a relaxing bubble bath. I notice when I take care of my overall wellness, I feel better mentally as well. Drinking water, taking a walk, or using my weighted hula-hoop each day for movement has contributed to keeping my wellness in check! (Although, I do love to treat myself to a diet coke and Mcdonald’s french fries every so often!)
Isabel wears Tavarua as lip liner and Tulum on the center of the lips for a custom shade.
Isabel: Oh absolutely! Something I find beautiful in others is genuine kindness, a positive attitude, and gratefulness. I want my inner beauty to shine through by genuinely being kind to everyone, keeping a positive attitude (even during the hardest times), and being grateful for what I have. I think all of these are so important when it comes to remaining beautiful inside!

Isabel: Yes! Makeup has become one of my greatest joys over the past few years. Being able to share that joy every day with others has been a highlight of my life! I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the friends that I have made just because I decided to share my interests with those around me!
Pictured above are Isabel's picks for The Everything: Sardinia (top) Santorini (bottom).
We hope you enjoyed reading about the lovely Isabel!
Until next time,